
Massage Therapy

Massage therapy can be an excellent relaxation technique; however it also feels great. In addition to feeling good it can also be an adjunct therapy to Chiropractic Care. Adding massage to Chiropractic treatments gets you the best results in a shorter amount of time and further addresses musculoskeletal complaints.

Many people choose to get longer massages on a regular basis. Massage therapy is also available to those people who are not under chiropractic care.

Due to the benefits people are having with regular massages, it is becoming a part of many's healthcare routine, just like maintaining chiropractic adjustments, regular exercise and proper nutrition.

Benefits of Massage:

  • relieves stress
  • aids in relaxation
  • reduces muscle spasms
  • increases range of motion
  • improves circulation
  • stimulates the lymphatic system
  • decreases pain
  • relaxes injured and overused muscles
  • enhanced sleep quality

Massage also helps with a number of health related issues:

  • alleviate low back pain and improves range of motion. 
  • stimulates your lymphatic system, hence enhancing your immune system.
  • Athletic recovery following intense training/performance.
  • Promotes tissue regeneration.
  • Reduces scar tissue and post-surgery adhesions and swelling. 

Introductary/Initial 60 Minute Massage: $50

30 Minute Massage: $35

60 Minute Massage: $70

90 Minute Massage: $100

Package of 5-60 minute Massages: $325

Add the Amethyst Biomat to any of these for only $10!

See the benefits the biomat here.